Delaying when all dogs to go to heaven: virtual reality canine anatomy education pilot study

发表于 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), 2018


Virtual Reality(VR) has long been theorized as a perfect training tool. The success in training airline pilots using flight simulators has demonstrated this be true in one use case. This has logically lead to interest in exploring ways of training other professionals such as Doctors and Veterinarians. This paper takes a different approach in examining the use of VR in summative rather than formative assessment. It reports on how using open source tools, CT scans can be converted into a working 3D model that can be used to assess anatomy students abilities. These students already have individual access to a cadaver which would be considered the gold standard method of Anatomy education. So the research problem is to examine the advantages of summative assessment using VR where currently best practise is merely a multiple choice exam(MCQ).



X. Xu, E. Mangina, D. Kilroy, A. Kumar and A. G. Campbell, “Delaying When all Dogs to go to Heaven: Virtual Reality Canine Anatomy Education Pilot Study,” 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), Galway, Ireland, 2018, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/GEM.2018.8516510.