Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate & Postgraduate course, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, 2020

Have you been teaching in the UCD School of Computer Science since you started in your PhD program? Please list the modules and the roles (e.g., TA, demonstrator) that you have been teaching in.

  • COMP30540 Game Development (TA)

If you have been teaching, what was your overall experience? (e.g., please give some detail regarding positive or negative experiences). —–

Positive: The demonstration gave me a chance to review my knowledge by doing the practical and explaining it to others; gave me a chance to talk to people, maintaining the basic socialise level in the isolated research daily routine. As a TA, it was my responsibility to arrange the lab, which also helped me practice my ability in planning and executing.

Negative: Need to spend some time.

If you have not been teaching, why not? Please provide some context around your decision not to teach (e.g., full-time employment, health issues, funding issues, etc).

Not capable.

Have you taken any training to improve your teaching skills? Would you take any such training if it was available?

No, and Yes.