Game With A Purpose (GWAP) - Doodle Knight




The main purpose of GWAP (Games with a purpose) is to build a computer game that is fun to play but contributes to solving real-life problems at the same time. And this is normally realized by carrying out the idea of collective intelligence, which aims to involve a great amount of participants to reasonably increase the accuracy of the final outputs. GWAP is a perfect example of applying collective intelligence — every single player of the game contributes to solving the target problem. Besides, GWAP is perfect for solving the problems which are extremely difficult for computers but easy for humans, .e.g image recognition. A good example of a GWAP is the ESP game. In the ESP game, players are randomly paired at the beginning of the game, and they are asked to label the image shown on the game panel. If both players have labelled the image with the same word, or in other words, used the same word to describe the image, they win the round. The ESP game uses the images from the internet, and as players play these images are labelled with various words. And because the label is from two independent sources, so they are usually very good labels for the image.


Inspired by the ESP game, this project is a multiplayer sketch-labelling game with the purpose of enhancing image recognition technologies. Players are expected to sketch a certain object (or a scene) in turn, and the rest of the players are supposed to guess what the drawing is. The gameplay is supposed to be asymmetrical, as only the player who draws gets to know that the topic is. Having managed to guess the answer or having others managed to guess the answer gives you scores, and the one with highest scores wins. Furthermore, there would be three levels containing in the application and user needs to unlock other levels by finishing the previous level and getting enough points. In the first mode, player can only use points to describe the topic given, while lines and faces are forbidden. Similarly, the second mode does not use points and lines but only color blocks. Finally, the mode is to distinguish whether the describer is human or not. In order to active players enthusiasm, a leader broad will be set based on the total points player gets from every mode.
