Notoruous Duo




Some people prefer a peaceful and quiet life, but Mr. X and his best partner, Ms. L may beg to differ. This notorious duo leads such a bold and wild life that they are always on the top-wanted list. And now a new-built vault has drawn their attention…


Our project “The Notorious Duo” is a PC game featuring dual-player system. The game is split into two sides, one player interacts with the 3D game scene (R5) and the other interacts with the 2D game scene(R6). 3D player controls Mr. X who is a really talent burglar to get into the vault, breaking the maze and collecting information. 2D player controls Ms. L who is skilled at tablets and network. She has the power to hack into nearly any system. So this time, players get all the message they want, solving the quiz, figuring out the password, helping Mr. X from the other side of the world.
